Garden Club of Celina 2024

Monday, February 26, 2024 \\ 9:45AM 
First Christian Church  \\  101 Chicken St., Weston TX
Urban Dirt will be presenting on Microgreens

Monday, March 25, 2024  \\  9:45AM 
First Christian Church  \\  101 Chicken St., Weston TX
Members only seed & plant cuttings swap (veggies, plants, flowers, whatever)

Full program TBD

Monday, April 22, 2024  \\  9:45AM
Shades of Green  \\  1213 E. Sunset Blvd., Celina, TX
Program TBD

Monday, May 20, 2024  \\  9:45AM (Members Only Event)
Fields of Fidelis  \\  4900 Brook Ln., Anna, TX
Annual Garden Party 

Monday, June 24, 2024  \\  9:45AM
First Christian Church  \\  101 Chicken St., Weston TX

Save the Bees USA (How bees help our environment and how they can be used in our gardens)

Monday, August 26, 2024  \\ 9:45AM 
First Christian Church  \\  101 Chicken St., Weston TX
Stonebranch Microfarm (Soils, homemade fertilizer, microfarming)

*Switcheroo (Members can purchase raffle tickets, funds raised to go to scholarship funds)

Monday, September 23, 2024  \\  9:45AM
Flower Bar Farm  \\  Gunter, TX
Flower fields and fall flowers

Monday, October 28, 2024  \\  9:45AM 
Treeland Nursery \\  1208 Sharp Rd. Gunter, TX
Tour of nursery and native wildflower fields, popular trees for shade and privacy screening

** Bring a sack lunch (drinks and chips will be provided) **

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The garden is a teacher. It teaches patience, resilience, and the value of nurturing. 
It reminds us that life, just like plants, requires care and attention to thrive.

-Christopher Lloyd